healing at the clay field
What exactly is ‘The Clay Field’?
It is a recognized therapy involving a simple wooden box filled with clay developed by Heinz Deuser. The movements and gestures of one’s hands at work or at rest can tell a story and by following the impulses of the hands one can unlock histories, traumas, and deeply held beliefs through a sensory-motor impulse experience.
This is a body based therapy with your hands leading the way. It is powerful and transformative.
Christine Little, from the University of Maine, interview with Malley Weber on her work with the Clay Field and informational demonstration.

My training has been with Cornelia Elbrecht and Liz Antcliffe both psychotherapists and pioneers in furthering sensorimotor understanding.
“Touch is the most fundamental of human experiences. The first year of our life is dominated by the sense of touch. Tactile contact is the first mode of communication that we learn. … Work at the Clay Field involves an intense tactile experience-it can link us to a primordial mode of communication, to a preverbal stage in our life. This is the truly beneficial quality of clay in a therapeutic context. It’s regressive qualities will allow a therapist to address early attachment issues, developmental setbacks and traumatic events in a primarily non-verbal way, contained in the safety of the setting.”
Clay Field sessions are different from classes. There is no product to be saved, no firing and glazing. It’s just you and the clay field following your hands with me guiding and holding the line for you.
in the clay field sessions
A healing session using a special clay field to experience, repair and rewrite neurological pathways in the brain. The hands have the ability to unlock emotions held in the body. This is a bottom up approach to cognitive repair. This does not replace talk therapy and it is advised that you be under the care of a professional counselor before you undergo a clay field session.
Sessions are available for both children and adults.
Children (age 4-15) — $75/session
Adults (16 and older) — $150/session
Please contact me to find out more and schedule your session.