New Work - now available for purchase
Visit the online shop to purchase. Each is a work of art and takes significant time to create. On the back of each piece is a very special creature or signature character for you to love. These are truly unique little treasures and will be a special surprise if you are shopping online. If you see something you like, please do not wait, as there will never be another one like it.

go forth little ones
All made with local clay and once-fired for environmentally conscious reasons. Slowly slowly, makes special special. Sometimes they have ‘lumps, cracks, scars etc’ and to me they become more lovable. They are from the earth. I truly love making these pieces and I have to be honest, letting them go can be a challenge! They are like dear friends! Please give them a good home! Thank you! Malley.

the process
Each piece is precious. A unique expression formed from glacial marine clay that was laid down 14,000 years ago.
Every ounce of clay carried home, mixed, stored, and lovingly formed by hands with years of practice.
A lifetime, maybe more, spent exploring the mysteries of clay, throwing, hand-building, sculpting, carving, painting, staining, glazing and firing.
The alchemy and transformation of earthy materials is a rich metaphor for the path of individuation. Each work an individual, a true one of a kind creation.
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Your purchase supports Malley's environmental and educational programs and her work in Trauma Healing at the Clay Field.
Blessed with an opportunity to share my clay digging experience with Indigenous people of Maine watch for updates as this project comes to fruition until then it is not my story to tell
taking some time for writing projects
much love!

previous Work
Below is a sample of work I have produced over the years.
Sign up with your email address below and I will let you know when new work is available for sale.